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The Health-Wealth Divide - Leaving no one behind

The call for abstracts for the Joint Public Health Conference has now opened.

The all-island conference takes place online on 29 November and will focus on addressing health inequalities on the island of Ireland, under the theme of 'The Health-Wealth Divide: Leaving No One Behind'.  

Health inequalities are pervasive in every country across the world and the island of Ireland is no exception. The wider social, economic, and environmental determinants of health can be drivers of health inequalities, with other crises, such as the cost-of-living crisis, widening and intensifying the health gap.

Working towards the Sustainable Development Goals and reducing health inequalities are strategic priorities in Northern Ireland and Ireland. This conference aims to provide an opportunity for knowledge exchange on what works, what doesn’t work, and what could work better when it comes to addressing health inequalities at a local and national level.

In addition to keynote plenary sessions, delegates will have the opportunity to attend parallel sessions. These sessions will explore examples of work aimed at addressing health inequalities, within the broad remit of socioeconomic disparities and the ‘health-wealth divide’.

Abstract submissions from those working to improve the health of people living in areas of social and economic disadvantage or working directly with underprivileged or marginalised communities are particularly welcome. The conference is open to abstract submissions from within and outside the island of Ireland. 

Examples of work may include, but are not limited to, academic research, community-based projects / practice, health service programmes, participatory health research, public patient involvement (PPI), policy analysis or review, and public health interventions or evaluations.

Abstract submissions will be considered for 10-minute oral presentations or 3-minute oral presentations.

The closing date for submissions HAS BEEN EXTENDED UNTIL Friday, 15 September at 5pm. 

Please direct any queries in relation to the online submission form to r.corr@qub.ac.uk

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