Research Interests
Open to PhD applications in the field of
- Biochemistry, cell biology, food chemistry, analytical chemistry, structural biology, nanopore, surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy
Best preferred with skills or experience in R python or other statistic/chemometric modeling software.
Current Research Opportunities
Public outreach & key achievements
Significant external duties
(1) Member of Dietary Protein Expert Panel, U.S. Pharmacopeia Convention (USP), (2019-present)
(2) Member of Codex CCCF 14 working groups, (CCCF14: AFT Cereals/ CCCF14: MLs Methyl Mercury Fish), (2019-2021)
(3) Editorial Board Member/Guest Editor, Food and Chemical Toxicology (2022-present)
(4) Editorial Board Member, Toxicology (2022-present)
Grants and Awards:
(1) Newton International Fellowship, The Royal Society, fellowship, 01/10/2020- 30/09/2022
(2) International Exchanges Scheme Cost Share Programme - NSFC (China) with SUST, The Royal Society. Co-A, 01/04/2022-30/03/2025
(3) Werner Baltes Fellowship, Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung (BfR, German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment), fellowship, 03/06/2019- 30/08/2019
(4) Quantification of Allergen Epitope with Cross-Reactivity between Food and Environment, 2018M640574, China Postdoctoral Science Foundation General Program (First grade), project, PI,01/10/2018- 30/10/2019
(5) Fingerprinting Rice: Implementing System of proteomics to Monitor and Manage Rice Fraud, Grant No. 31801454, National Natural Science Foundation of China, project, PI, 01/01/2019- 31/12/2021
(6) Delivering an Effective, Resilient and Sustainable EU-China Food Safety Partnership, Horizon 2020 Programme, project, WP3DL (T3.1.2-Dairy). 01/09/2017- 30/09/2021
Research students
Yicong Li, Fingerprinting Tools for Tea Authenticity and Implementation of Machine Learning, 2 year, China