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Event Listings

Forensic Medicine and Legal Process Course 2025

April 2, 2025 - May 28, 2025
Institute of Professional Legal Studies
18:00 - 20:00

DATES 2025 - To be confirmed

Please register your expression of interest to join the course by emailing iplscpd@qub.ac.uk


Queen’s University Belfast has developed a new course designed to introduce relevant professionals including doctors, dentists, forensic nurses and lawyers to forensic medicine and the legal aspects of medical practice. This includes the role of the General Medical Council in the regulation of doctors as well as explain the role of the forensic pathologist in the investigation of sudden, unexpected and suspicious deaths and how forensic science can assist in the investigation of crime.

The course is wide ranging, providing participants with the opportunity to gain knowledge and understanding as to how injuries are interpreted, cases are prepared for court and the court process as well as a special focus on the role of the coroner and the external witness.



The Forensic Medicine and Legal Process course will provide an inter-disciplinary context to help professional practitioners develop their generic knowledge, skills and understanding of the interaction between the medical and legal professions in relation to forensic medicine.

The course will include consideration of non-accidental injury in infants and young children and forensic aspects of sexual offences. It will consider drugs and alcohol; their misuse and how these substances are detected and quantified. It will also consider various methods by which deceased persons can be identified, both single cases and mass disasters including DNA, dental records and other methods. The course will include a number of formal lectures and group discussion sessions. There will also be an opportunity for participants to practice their courtroom skills by participating in a mock courtroom presentation and be subject to cross examination.


Upon completion of the course participants will be able to:

  • Identify the potential causes of death in a number of difference scenarios
  • Apply the appropriate legal principles and procedures to medical practice generally and in particular in the event of a death
  • Identify the nature of injuries and interpret these understanding their potential Medico-Legal significance in particular Non accidental injury in children, sexual offences and sudden infant death
  • Prepare Medico-Legal Reports and be able to effectively utilize Medico-Legal Reports in Court.



Professor Jack Crane

Honorary Professor of Forensic Medicine and retired State Pathologist in Northern Ireland with international reputation, Professor Jack Crane joined the Northern Ireland State Pathologists department in 1980 as a registrar, later becoming a consultant and then appointed the department head in January 1990. Professor Crane is highly regarded for his valuable contribution during his time as State Pathologist, having developed a forensic pathology service in Northern Ireland regarded with ‘International Renown’. Professor Crane retired after 24 years having held the position during some of the worst violence of the troubles and will be sharing his knowledge and expertise on Forensic Medicine with participants of the course.

Barbara Jemphrey

Barbara Jemphrey a qualified solicitor and Director of the Institute of Professional Legal Studies.

Diane Nixon

Diane Nixon was called to the Bar of England and Wales in 1997. She practised full-time as a barrister until she returned to Northern Ireland in 2008 when she combined teaching with professional practice at the Bar. She was called to the Bar of Northern Ireland in 2008.




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Event Organiser Details
Name Claire Armstrong
Phone 028 9097 5699
Email iplscpd@qub.ac.uk