Finding “home” in a cultural landscape of migration and belonging
Migration history plays an important role in the shaping of identity for departure and receiving countries. How these histories are constructed and feed into contemporary, popular narratives of home and belonging remains contentious, especially in a place such as Northern Ireland. Using the Irish Emigration Database, a digital archive held at the Mellon Centre for Migration Studies, this project explores historical articulations of ‘home’ and belonging in letters from 1700-1950. Questions of how these historical articulations have contributed to public and academic narratives of home and, in turn, contemporary understandings of identity are at the heart of this project.
Migration plays a vital role in Northern Ireland’s history, its present, and its future. This became particularly prominent over the summer of 2024 when anti-immigrant rhetoric made the news and filled the streets across the UK and Ireland. Crucial within these conversations are Ireland’s own histories of migration. How these histories are constructed and feed into contemporary, popular narratives of home and belonging remains contentious, especially in Northern Ireland, but what shapes the ‘story’ of history?
With a strong emphasis on public engagement and interpretation, this PhD – and the student that undertakes it – will explore how the ‘story’ of migration, historically and in the present day, can be more clearly entered into the multiple histories of Northern Ireland.
The history of emigration from Ulster is still frequently siloed from the historiography of Irish emigration and diaspora. Scholarship focusing on migration from Ulster has primarily created an image of Protestants moving to rural areas in the South of the United States and the prairies of Canada. While this was true to an extent, Irish historiography has pointed to the movement of many from Ulster to northern cities in the United States as well. A false binary of “Irish” Catholics from the southern counties moving to urban areas and Protestants from the northern counties moving to rural areas continues, and not only in the historiography. This is also reflected in the public narratives surrounding emigration on the island of Ireland. This PhD project will seek to more fully recognise the realities of migration to and from the north of Ireland.
The main source base for this project will be the Irish Emigration Database (IED), a virtual archive of 32,194 documents, of which approximately 4,000 are letters relating to historic Irish migration to North America between 1700 and 1950. The IED is held by the Mellon Centre for Migration Studies (MCMS) and has yet to be used systematically for historical research into migration from Ulster. Inspired by contemporary debates, this project focuses on migration, belonging, and home building in the past and how this migration story connects to the development of contemporary understandings of identity in Northern Ireland and/or Ulster. The time-period covered by the IED, 1700 to 1950, allows for nuanced perspectives on identity and the emotional shifts prompted by not only migration from one place to another, but also between rural and urban spaces internally and internationally.
How these articulations of identity have been seized upon in contemporary society provide further opportunities to explore how migration stories feed into post-conflict societies such as Northern Ireland. As the PhD candidate will be based between Queen’s University Belfast and the Mellon Centre for Migration Studies, they will have opportunities to explore both the academic and the public narratives of historical migration to, within and from Ulster. Due to the close links that MCMS has with local community groups, they will explore the way that these public narratives contribute to current discussions around Northern Irish identities and the place held for migrants. They will therefore be expected to consider how the IED dataset can feed into exhibitions and public narratives around migration in urban (Belfast) and rural (Omagh district) settings.
Bridging the fields of migration and diaspora studies, history, and memory studies, this project seeks to complicate ideas of ‘home building’ and belonging from both the sending and receiving societies’ perspectives in historical and current contexts. The candidate with work with co-supervisors Dr Sophie Cooper (QUB) and Dr Patrick Fitzgerald (MCMS).
Funding Information
The School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics at Queen’s University Belfast is offering a CAST Department for the Economy Studentship for October 2025 entry. The studentship will cover tuition fees and stipend. The current stipend for 24/25 academic year is £19,237 but 25/26 has yet to be determined but this tends to go up each year in line with inflation. Student fees can be found at this link: /Study/postgraduate/tuition-fees/
To be eligible for consideration for a DfE Studentship (covering tuition fees and maintenance stipend), a candidate must satisfy all the eligibility criteria based on nationality, residency, and academic qualifications. The Studentship is open to UK and ROI nationals, and to EU nationals with settled status in the UK, subject to meeting the specific DfE nationality and residency criteria. Full eligibility information can be viewed at
Project Summary
Dr Sophie Cooper
Full-time: 3 years
History overview
History at Queen’s is the largest group of historians at any university on the island of Ireland. It is a dynamic research area, with strengths in ancient, medieval, early modern and modern periods, across a wide geographical area that includes Ireland, Britain, Europe, the United States, Africa and Asia. We specialise in oral history, gender and women’s history, urban history, public history, religious history political history, and the history of race. Proposals are welcome in any of these areas.
As a History PhD candidate, you will engage in original research in a historical subject of your choice, supervised by our internationally recognised scholars. With Queen’s being part of the AHRC Northern Bridge Consortium(with Durham, Newcastle, Northumbria, Sunderland, Teeside and Ulster Universities), there are also opportunities for co-supervised doctoral work with staff at these institutions.
A flourishing programme of events, seminars, and research groups complements our postgraduate courses and doctoral supervision.
Research expertise:
Queen’s is one of the premier research centres globally for the study of Irish history and boasts a large and active team of researchers in this field, with interests ranging from the middle ages to the twentieth century. We have particular strengths in Irish social history, politics, gender and religion, and Ireland's and Ulster’s relationships with Britain and the wider world.
The dynamic Centre for Public History involves historians with a variety of geographical and chronological interests. A number of current or recent history PhD candidates are engaged in public history related projects, which involve internships and collaborations with bodies such as the BBC, Belfast City Council, Historic Royal Palaces, the Public Research Office of Northern Ireland and National Museums NI.
Other areas of particular research expertise include oral history, 20th-century British social, cultural, political and imperial history, history of the U.S. South, gender history and religious history. There are also specialists in the history of Ancient Rome, Medieval England and Europe, Early Modern Britain and Europe, twentieth-century Europe, modern China, India, and South-East Asia, and Sub-Saharan Africa.
Take a look at our History staff profiles for details.
Research resources:
The School boasts the following Research Centres:
- Institute of Irish Studies – a pioneering centre for interdisciplinary Irish scholarship and teaching.
- Centre for Public History – a lively hub for those engaged in researching, teaching and practising public history.
- The QUOTE hub at Â鶹ÒùÔº has members from across the University who are passionate about oral history and its potential for producing democratic and inclusive forms of history.
Major research resources are close at hand. This includes the extensive collection of Irish manuscripts, books and pamphlets in the Â鶹ÒùÔº University Library's Special Collections and our state-of-the art McClay Library with extensive book and journal holdings, and subscriptions to many of the principal online resources for historical study, including digital newspaper archives, Mass Observation Archive, ECCO, EEBO, and HCPP. Also nearby are wide-ranging collections in Belfast's historic Linen Hall Library, extensive manuscript holdings at the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI), and the Gamble Library’s specialist collections in religious history and theology. The National Archives of Ireland and National Library of Ireland in Dublin are within commuting distance.
About the Programme:
The aim of the programme is to produce independent researchers. From the outset, PhD candidates are encouraged to disseminate their work at seminars and conferences, and through publication or public engagement. The programme culminates in the submission of an 80,000-word dissertation that makes an original contribution to historical knowledge.
Mode of study/duration:
Registration is on a full-time or part-time basis, under the direction of a supervisory team appointed by the School. You will be expected to submit your thesis at the end of three years of full-time registration for PhD.
We are proud of our students who have graduated with their doctorates. Where possible we stay in touch so that the link and relationships remain long after a student has left the School. Our graduates have found success in a wide range of careers, including in archives and libraries, public history and heritage, education, journalism, marketing, and civil service.
Research Environment:
The research environment within the School is lively, energetic and diverse. As a History PhD candidate, you will be a member of a vibrant graduate community and research culture that hosts regular lectures, seminars and conferences, and research-related training events. You will be encouraged to attend such events, present the results of your research at seminars and conferences, and to organise your own events.
The School boasts a number of regular research seminars. The History Postgraduate Research Seminar, run by research students, meets regularly throughout the academic year. The Irish History Students’ Association, of which QUB is a founder member, hosts an annual conference at which postgraduate students from across the island meet and deliver papers in a collegial environment.
Our prestigious annual Wiles lecture series, delivered across four days by a historian of global standing, is a particular highlight, alongside the Centre for Public History annual conference and the Keith Jeffery Memorial Lecture. Other regular seminar series are hosted in the Centre for Eighteenth-Century Studies, the Classical and Medieval Cultures Forum, the Centre for the Americas, the Centre for Economic History, and the Religious Studies Forum. Â鶹ÒùÔº also hosts regular meetings of the Ulster Society for Irish Historical Studies.
Course content
Research Information
Associated Research
The University's Special Collections also hold important archival and printed primary materials, especially for the history of Ireland, Great Britain and the British Empire, and China.
Significant deposits of modern American, Soviet and British military archival materials have recently been acquired.
Research Projects
We also host annual events including the Wiles Lectures on the history of civilisation and regular conferences on a range of historical themes. A weekly postgraduate seminar is run and organised by research students.
Career Prospects
For further information on career development opportunities at PhD level please contact the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (AHSS) Career development Team at email:; Tel: +44 28 9097 5175
AHSS Development Officer: Aileen Carson will be happy to provide further information on your research area career prospects.
Course structure
1. Independent research on your PhD topic.2. Regular feedback and guidance from your supervisory team, comprising at least two expert academic supervisors.
3. Feedback on your work every year from academic staff who are not part of your supervisory team.
3. Participation in History’s active research environment, which includes conferences, seminars, lectures, and other staff- or student-led events.
4. Opportunities to present aspects of your work locally, nationally or internationally.
5. Teaching opportunities.
6. Placement prospects, depending on your PhD funders.
Entrance requirements
The minimum academic requirement for admission to a research degree programme is normally an Upper Second Class Honours degree from a UK or ROI HE provider, or an equivalent qualification acceptable to the University. Further information can be obtained by contacting the School of History, Anthropology, Philosophy and Politics.
International Students
For information on international qualification equivalents, please check the specific information for your country.
English Language Requirements
Evidence of an IELTS* score of 6.5, with not less than 5.5 in any component, or equivalent qualification acceptable to the University is required (*taken within the last 2 years).
International students wishing to apply to Â鶹ÒùÔº (and for whom English is not their first language), must be able to demonstrate their proficiency in English in order to benefit fully from their course of study or research. Non-EEA nationals must also satisfy UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) immigration requirements for English language for visa purposes.
For more information on English Language requirements for EEA and non-EEA nationals see:
If you need to improve your English language skills before you enter this degree programme, offers a range of English language courses. These intensive and flexible courses are designed to improve your English ability for admission to this degree.
Tuition Fees
Northern Ireland (NI) 1 | £5,005 |
Republic of Ireland (ROI) 2 | £5,005 |
England, Scotland or Wales (GB) 1 | £5,005 |
EU Other 3 | £20,500 |
International | £20,500 |
1 EU citizens in the EU Settlement Scheme, with settled or pre-settled status, are expected to be charged the NI or GB tuition fee based on where they are ordinarily resident, however this is provisional and subject to the publication of the Northern Ireland Assembly Student Fees Regulations. Students who are ROI nationals resident in GB are expected to be charged the GB fee, however this is provisional and subject to the publication of the Northern Ireland Assembly student fees Regulations.
2 It is expected that EU students who are ROI nationals resident in ROI will be eligible for NI tuition fees. The tuition fee set out above is provisional and subject to the publication of the Northern Ireland Assembly student fees Regulations.
3 EU Other students (excludes Republic of Ireland nationals living in GB, NI or ROI) are charged tuition fees in line with international fees.
All tuition fees quoted are for the academic year 2021-22, and relate to a single year of study unless stated otherwise. Tuition fees will be subject to an annual inflationary increase, unless explicitly stated otherwise.
More information on postgraduate tuition fees.
History costs
There are no specific additional course costs associated with this programme.
Additional course costs
All Students
Depending on the programme of study, there may also be other extra costs which are not covered by tuition fees, which students will need to consider when planning their studies . Students can borrow books and access online learning resources from any Â鶹ÒùÔº library. If students wish to purchase recommended texts, rather than borrow them from the University Library, prices per text can range from £30 to £100. Students should also budget between £30 to £100 per year for photocopying, memory sticks and printing charges. Students may wish to consider purchasing an electronic device; costs will vary depending on the specification of the model chosen. There are also additional charges for graduation ceremonies, and library fines. In undertaking a research project students may incur costs associated with transport and/or materials, and there will also be additional costs for printing and binding the thesis. There may also be individually tailored research project expenses and students should consult directly with the School for further information.
Bench fees
Some research programmes incur an additional annual charge on top of the tuition fees, often referred to as a bench fee. Bench fees are charged when a programme (or a specific project) incurs extra costs such as those involved with specialist laboratory or field work. If you are required to pay bench fees they will be detailed on your offer letter. If you have any questions about Bench Fees these should be raised with your School at the application stage. Please note that, if you are being funded you will need to ensure your sponsor is aware of and has agreed to fund these additional costs before accepting your place.
How do I fund my study?
1.PhD OpportunitiesFind PhD opportunities and funded studentships by subject area.
2.Funded Doctoral Training ProgrammesWe offer numerous opportunities for funded doctoral study in a world-class research environment. Our centres and partnerships, aim to seek out and nurture outstanding postgraduate research students, and provide targeted training and skills development.
The Government offers doctoral loans of up to ?26,445 for PhDs and equivalent postgraduate research programmes for English- or Welsh-resident UK and EU students.
4.International ScholarshipsInformation on Postgraduate Research scholarships for international students.
Funding and Scholarships
The Funding & Scholarship Finder helps prospective and current students find funding to help cover costs towards a whole range of study related expenses.
How to Apply
Apply using our online and follow the step-by-step instructions on how to apply.
Find a supervisor
If you're interested in a particular project, we suggest you contact the relevant academic before you apply, to introduce yourself and ask questions.
To find a potential supervisor aligned with your area of interest, or if you are unsure of who to contact, look through the staff profiles linked here.
You might be asked to provide a short outline of your proposal to help us identify potential supervisors.