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Professor Tunde Peto

Clinical Professor

Centre for Public Health, School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences (MDBS)

Tunde Peto is Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology at Queen¡¯s University Belfast, Clinical Lead for Diabetic Eye Screening Programme Northern Ireland and a Consultant Ophthalmologist in Medical Retina. She has been named as one of the UK¡¯s 25 most influential researchers who study diabetes complications and is internationally renowned for establishing diabetic retinopathy screening and training programmes.

Tunde Peto is Professor of Clinical Ophthalmology at Queen¡¯s University Belfast where she is responsible for teaching both undergraduate and postgraduate students.  Her remit also covers the development of International image analysis, training and educating in countries throughout the world.

In addition to her academic work, Professor Peto is also responsible for the Belfast Ophthalmic Image Reading Centre and a wide research portfolio. Her main interest has always been common blinding retinal diseases, with special emphasis on characterisation of diabetic retinopathy and its imaging modalities.

Professor Peto has been involved in UK National Diabetic Retinopathy Screening programmes since 2002, she was clinical lead for London programmes and is currently the clinical lead for the Northern Irish Programme.

Professor Peto trained in Hungary and Australia and spent 15 years at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London before taking up her current position in Belfast.

One of four Queen¡¯s University Belfast academics named among the UK¡¯s most influential researchers who study diabetes complications.

Queen¡¯s was ranked fourth among the top institutions for diabetes complications.

She is the founding member of the European Eye Epidemiology group that brought 27 epidemiological studies together in order to build collaboration and build further research platform in Europe.

Areas of Expertise

chronic blinding diseases, ophthalmic image analysis, epidemiology and statistics, diabetic retinopathy screening and training programmes

Notable coverage

  •  - Futurum 
  • , Eye News
  • , www.bdaily.co.uk   

  • , www.einpresswire.com

Associated Research Centres / Projects

As Head of the Belfast Reading Centre and Director of The Central Angiographic Resource Facility (CARF), a unique facility coordinating the grading of ophthalmic images collected for clinical research studies, Professor Peto has expertise in overseeing a wide range of studies, including age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and population based studies, training graders to use a variety of imaging platforms and interpreting the images. She has participated in numerous studies overseeing budgets of up to ?2 million. Relevant studies include the worldwide MacTel Study (running since 2004 and providing new insight to retinal disease), the EYE-Risk project which is a 6.5 million Euro project funded by the European Union.

Professor Tunde Peto
Contact Information

For more information or to book an interview, email comms.office@qub.ac.uk 

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