Professor Shadd Maruna
Professor of Criminology
School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work (SSESW)
Professor Maruna¡¯s primary expertise is in the reintegration experiences of former prisoners in society.
Professor Maruna¡¯s research explores issues of desistance, reintegration and redemption from multiple perspectives, including: life course exploratory research on pathways away from prison; critical research on the psychology of crime and remorse; applied research on reintegration efforts and psychological interventions inside and outside prisons; parole decision making for prisoner release; public opinion research on community attitudes regarding people who have been in prison; and efforts by former prisoners to politically organise and build a social movement.
Criminal justice CriminologyAreas of Expertise
Probation, prisons, parole, personality disorder, punitive public attitudes, rehabilitation/resettlement, and desistance from crime.
Notable coverage
New York Post
The Guardian
The Crime Report
Scope NI
The Road from Crime

Contact Information
For more information or to book an interview, email