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Professor Michael Semple

Practitioner Chair

The Senator George J Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice

Professor Michael Semple works on innovative approaches to peace-making and engagement with militant Islamic movements in Afghanistan and South Asia.

His interests include the political culture of the Afghan Taliban and kindred militant Islamic movements, the role and potential of dialogue and social media in conflict transformation, and the challenge of pluralism in the post 9/11 Muslim world.

Professor Semple worked as a political officer in the United Nations team which helped to implement the Bonn Accord on Afghanistan after 2001 and served as Deputy EU Special Representative in the country. He continues to advise governments and parties involved in the Afghan peace process, at a senior level, informed by his ongoing research. He collaborates with international peace-related NGOs and think tanks, and engages with policy makers. He is active in the public and policy debate around conflict transformations and Afghanistan.

Conflict Transformation Global peace Security
Areas of Expertise

Afghanistan, Pakistan, Taliban, terrorism, conflict resolution

Media Experience

Professor Semple has extensive media experience and has worked with a range of print, broadcast and online media. 

Notable coverage

  • , Kuwait Times 24/04/2018

  • , Mail Online 24/04/2018

  • , Bangkok Post 24/042018

  • : Post, Aljazeera 25/03/2018

  • , New York Times 16/07/2017

  • , sources say, The Guardian 26/09/2017

Professor Michael Semple
Contact Information

For more information or to book an interview, email comms.office@qub.ac.uk 

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