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Dr Tristan Sturm

Senior Lecturer of Human Geography and Fellow of the Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice

School of Natural and Built Environment (NBE)

Dr Sturm¡¯s research is on conspiracy theories, apocalyptic though, and sectarian politics and reconciliation in Northern Ireland and Israel and Palestine.

His research explores Covid-19 conspiracy theories in the USA, Belfast, and Berlin. He is particularly interested in the global network of conspiracy theory beliefs and the ways such theories manifest in real world politics.  has been cited in the New York Times, Chicago Tribune, and Mother Jones website. He also works on questions of sectarian politics in Northern Ireland and Israel/Palestine. His work utilises an inventive methodology where Northern Irish paramilitary funerals were faked to foster reconciliation to purposely elicit strong emotions, thereby forcing participants to confront their own fears. He also researches the of Christian Zionists.

Human Geography Politics Society
Areas of Expertise

Conspiracy theories; apocalypse; covid-19; coronavirus; emotions; sectarian reconciliation; Israel and Palestine.

Media Experience



Notable coverage

  • . 13 January 2021, The Journal.ie
  • 23 September 2017 National Post (originally published in )
  • 27 September 2015 BBC Radio 4 Newshour

Associated Research Centres / Projects

Dr Tristan Sturm
Contact Information

For more information or to book an interview, email comms.office@qub.ac.uk 

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