Dr Peter Doran
School of Law, The Senator George J Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice
Dr Doran has worked as a consultant writer with the UN Climate Change Convention, going back to the negotiation of the Kyoto Protocol, and has written on the topics of climate change; mindfulness; environmental governance and activism on the island of Ireland; rights of nature, including a recent book on the 'mindful commons and the attention economy'. He has worked in NGOs and in parliamentary settings on both sides of the border, and at the United Nations.
Climate Change Environment United NationsAreas of Expertise
Climate change, mindfulness, environmental governance and activism on the island of Ireland, rights of nature, Brexit
Media Experience
Dr Doran has extensive media experience and has worked with a range of print, broadcast and online media. Dr Doran is a former journalist with experience in print and broadcast output.
Notable coverage
– China Global Television Network (27/11/2018)
- China Global Television Network (18/10/2018)
– The Independent (26/02/2018)
Associated Research Centres / Projects

Contact Information
For more information or to book an interview, email comms.office@qub.ac.uk