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Dr Paul Murphy

Lecturer in Drama in the School of Arts, English and Languages

School of Arts, English and Languages (AEL)

Paul is engaged in transdisciplinary, collaborative research that focuses on two broad areas: simulation-based education for health and social care; arts-based interventions for public health.

He works with colleagues from a broad range of subject areas including experimental medicine, medical education, nursing, public health, sociology and social work.

Presently Paul is working with colleagues in RC Psychiatry to develop multi-disciplinary Schwartz Rounds that will be delivered online during the peak infection and thereafter in real life to help healthcare workers cope with the stress of treating patients during the COVID-19 crisis.

Film and Drama
Areas of Expertise

Drama, Healthcare, Simulation-based education for health and social care, Arts-based interventions for public health

Dr Paul Murphy
Contact Information

For more information or to book an interview, email comms.office@qub.ac.uk