Dr Mark Flear
School of Law
Dr Flear is an expert in the law and ethics of pandemic preparedness planning and response.
He has written widely on this subject in the context of European Union level governance and regulation, including in Governing Public Health (hb 2015; pb 2018). Dr Flear has contributed towards two ESRC-funded projects related to Brexit and its implications for health law in the UK, especially in Northern Ireland. A particular focus of Dr Flear's recent work has been on the implications of Brexit for clinical trials for and access to pandemic vaccines and medicines for treatment. Dr Flear has written widely on this subject, including for the BMJ and the national and local media.
LawAreas of Expertise
EU, European law, Governance, Public Health, Pandemic Preparedness and Response
Notable coverage
- , Guardian Online, March 2020
- , NY Times Post Online, March 2020
- , The Guardian/The Observer, March 2020
- , Irish News, March 2020
- , The Telegraph, March 2020
- , The UK in a Changing Europe, March 2020
- , Politico, March 2020

Contact Information
For more information or to book an interview, email comms.office@qub.ac.uk