Dr Donal Mullan
Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography
School of Natural and Built Environment (NBE)
Dr Mullan's research focuses on the development of regional and site-specific future climate change scenarios using statistical downscaling techniques, and their application to a wide range of environmental and socio-economic impact sectors.
My specialist impact sector is soil erosion and muddy flooding from agricultural land, with primary concern for changes in the off-site transport of sediment and nutrients into the neighbouring natural and built environment.
More recently I have begun applying climate change scenarios to a range of new impact sectors, with current projects examining future climate threats to natural systems and northern infrastructure in arctic and sub-arctic regions.
Climate Change Environment SustainabilityAreas of Expertise
climate modelling; future climate scenarios; climate change impacts

Contact Information
For more information or to book an interview, email comms.office@qub.ac.uk