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Are you a journalist looking for an academic to provide expert commentary/analysis for a news story/documentary?

This experts directory is a searchable database of Queen¡¯s academics who are interested in talking to the media about their areas of expertise.

If you cannot find the right expert, please contact Queen¡¯s Communications Office and a member of the team will be able to help you.

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Photo: Dr Ciaran Mulholland
School of Medicine, Dentistry and Biomedical Sciences (MDBS), The Senator George J Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice

Dr Ciaran Mulholland is a consultant psychiatrist with the Northern Health and Social Care Trust in Northern Ireland and a Senior Lecturer in the Centre for Medical Education at Queen¡¯s University.

Expertise: mental health, psychotic disorders, aetiology of psychotic illnesses, psychological trauma, coronavirus, corona virus, covid-19