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Are you a journalist looking for an academic to provide expert commentary/analysis for a news story/documentary?
This experts directory is a searchable database of Queen¡¯s academics who are interested in talking to the media about their areas of expertise.
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Professor McKinley¡¯s research has focused on the application of spatial analysis techniques, including geostatistics, compositional data analysis and Geographical Information Science (GIS), to soil geochemistry, environmental and criminal forensics, human health, slope instability, airborne geophysics and weathering studies.
Expertise: Spatial analysis techniques, Geostatistics, Compositional data analysis, Geographical Information Science (GIS), Soil geochemistry, Environmental and criminal forensics, Human health, Slope instability, Airborne geophysics, Weathering studies

Exploring alcohol and drug use among individuals experiencing harm or at risk of harm but not seeking treatment
Expertise: Alcohol, drinking, drug use, health inequalities, drug consumption rooms, overdose prevention sites, brief advice, harm reduction

Professor Christopher McCabe is a health economist, specialising in the field of health technology assessment.
Expertise: Economics of health care, health care market access, and economic issues of infectious disease outbreaks.

Professor Lawler is an internationally renowned scientist with over 30 years experience in cancer research, who is passionate about translating his research for the benefit of patients and society.
Expertise: Cancer, Genetics, Precision Medicine, Health Data, COVID-19 and cancer, Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement in Research.