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This experts directory is a searchable database of Queen¡¯s academics who are interested in talking to the media about their areas of expertise.
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Dr Booth is a lecturer in Behaviour Analysis and autism in the School of Social Sciences, Education, and Social Work.
Expertise: Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA), autism, developmental disorders, inclusive education, disability, values-driven professional training, and parent training.

Professor Laura Lundy is an international expert on children¡¯s rights and child and youth participation and author of the widely used Lundy model of child participation.
Expertise: children¡¯s rights, child participation

Professor Brewer is an internationally recognised expert in peace studies and conflict transformation.
Expertise: peace studies, conflict transformation, peace processes; religious peace building; religion and conflict; history of sociology; social science; higher education; qualitative research; ethnography, peace processes

Dr Dounavi is a Senior Lecturer in Behaviour Analysis and Autism in the School of Social Sciences, Education and Social Work.
Expertise: Applied behaviour analysis, developmental disorders including autism spectrum disorders, inclusive education, values-driven professional training, telehealth, verbal behaviour, learning and communication disorders, parental training, behaviour change for wider societal challenges, systematic reviews

Dr Kerr¡¯s recent research looks at children and young people¡¯s connection to and knowledge of nature, views on environmental sustainability and their health and well-being, as outcomes of outdoor learning.
Expertise: Outdoor learning; Learning Outside the Classroom; Environmental Education; Education for Sustainable Development; Teacher professional development

Professor Muijs is an expert in quality of teaching and leadership in schools, educational policy, and accountability. He has worked at universities in England, Belgium and the Netherlands, and at Ofsted.
Expertise: Education policy; Accountability, inspection, exams; Teaching quality; School quality; and School improvement.

Professor Gallagher¡¯s development of the shared education programme to create trust and friendship in divided societies is having an impact worldwide.
Expertise: Education, education in divided societies, shared education

Dr Dunne's research looks at child health, wellbeing and development in schools and communities.
Expertise: Child health, wellbeing and development; Early child development and peacebuilding in low-and-middle income countries; programme evaluation; and systematic review.

Professor Lawler is an internationally renowned scientist with over 30 years experience in cancer research, who is passionate about translating his research for the benefit of patients and society.
Expertise: Cancer, Genetics, Precision Medicine, Health Data, COVID-19 and cancer, Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement in Research.

Professor Congdon¡¯s research is about delivering high-quality, low-cost eyecare in underserved areas of low and middle-income countries.
Expertise: Global eye health, refractive error in children and adult, cataract, glaucoma, diabetic eye disease, Chinese healthcare system

Professor Dillenburger is a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst-Doctoral (BCBA-D) and clinical Psychologist (HCPC). Her expertise lies in ABA, parenting, autism, and mental health.
Expertise: Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA); education, autism, mental health, parenting, challenging behaviour, learning, disability, clinical psychology, coronavirus, corona, covid-19

Professor Maruna¡¯s primary expertise is in the reintegration experiences of former prisoners in society.
Expertise: Probation, prisons, parole, personality disorder, punitive public attitudes, rehabilitation/resettlement, and desistance from crime.
A former primary school teacher, Professor Thurston¡¯s work is focussed on how to improve learning in high poverty schools. He is an expert in the use of cooperative learning techniques in the classroom and a pioneer of the use of randomised trials in education.
Expertise: education, literacy, school improvement, improving literacy, cooperative learning, educational research

Paul is engaged in transdisciplinary, collaborative research that focuses on two broad areas: simulation-based education for health and social care; arts-based interventions for public health.
Expertise: Drama, Healthcare, Simulation-based education for health and social care, Arts-based interventions for public health

Professor Dave Archard has applied moral, political and legal philosophy to issues of contemporary concern and played a prominent role in the public world of law and policy.
Expertise: rights of the child, duties of parents, family, nature of the family, sexual consent, privacy, multiculturalism, nationalism, education, coronavirus, covid-19, corona