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This experts directory is a searchable database of Queen¡¯s academics who are interested in talking to the media about their areas of expertise.
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Chris Colvin combines economics and history to better understand the performance of firms, industries, economies and societies.
Expertise: economic history; financial history; business history; banking crises; health crises; patents and innovation; economic policymaking process; pedagogical reform

His research interests cover behavioural economics, ethical decision making and social choice theory. He is currently working on assessing the general public's perceptions of what is a fair and responsible distribution system of social resources, when facing public diseases.
Expertise: Behavioural economics, ethical decision making, social choice theory

Professor Christopher McCabe is a health economist, specialising in the field of health technology assessment.
Expertise: Economics of health care, health care market access, and economic issues of infectious disease outbreaks.

Dr Fliers is a corporate finance and governance specialist, his multidisciplinary research focuses on financial decision making.
Expertise: Finance, Economics, Management, Economic History, Governance

The relationship between economics and history: in particular how incentives have shaped past as well as contemporary businesses in Ireland.
Expertise: Economic History, Business History, Topics in Contemporary Business Economics (e.g. Brexit, Regions and Devolution), Applied Institutional Economics, Economic Organisation of Violence, Communicating Economics (e.g. pedagogy and public understanding)

Dr Josue Ortega is a lecturer in economics at Queen¡¯s University Belfast, where he teaches Economics of Networks and Institutions.
Expertise: Evolution of networks, Economic integration